El 49% de estudiantes de diferentes escuelas públicas en los EE.UU. estaban atrasados en al menos un curso durante el 2022-2023.

Esto es lo que Papaya puede hacer para ayudarles   ¿Por qué las plataformas de tutoría en línea son cruciales para cerrar la brecha de aprendizaje que dejó la pandemia?   Aunque parezca que el resto del mundo ha superado la pandemia de COVID-19, los estudiantes continúan intentando estar al mismo nivel que sus compañeros tras

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State of Texas Grants Emotional Intelligent and Bilingual Tutoring Platform Papaya Authority to Service Students in Need of High Impact Tutoring

(Oct. 17, 2022) — On Oct. 17, 2022 emerging education technology (edtech) startup and emotionally intelligent STEM tutoring service Papaya gained its coveted approval to become a Local Education Agency (LEA) in Texas. This certification now allows the platform to be a publicly known resource and serve as a full/partial service provider for year two of

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Why I Launched Papaya

How did it all start?   I was over the moon when I received my offer letter from my dream job at Accenture. I got a full time position in Los Angeles CA (another dream) with a starting salary of $90K (including bonuses). It was all a dream, but reaching my goal or dream position was

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Register here With Father’s day around the corner, we wanted to dedicate this blog to one of our favorite dads at Papaya, Vincent Salgado. The team tells me how surprised they are that he sits through his son’s class and stays with him. That’s dedication… that’s love! Having someone you trust introduce you and/or be there

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How to ask for help?

Register here Here are 3 ways to ask for help in an effective way, I always wondered how fast I could have achieved my goals had I just known it was okay to ask for help a little earlier. What if I owned up to the fact that I was doing poorly in a class and

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Etiquetas populares

Creemos que la tutoría de alta calidad debe ser accesible a todos los estudiantes, sin importar su condición socioeconómica, procedencia o lengua materna.

Copyright © 2024 Papaya Tutor

Creemos que la tutoría de alta calidad debe ser accesible a todos los estudiantes, sin importar su condición socioeconómica, procedencia o lengua materna.

Copyright © 2024 Papaya Tutor

Creemos que la tutoría de alta calidad debe ser accesible a todos los estudiantes, sin importar su condición socioeconómica, procedencia o lengua materna.

Copyright © 2024 Papaya Tutor