Featured Mom Of The Year

Being someone who does not have children or even a pet to care about, to me the love and care that a mother exudes for her children is something my brain cannot comprehend. Moms, you would rather prioritize your children, your families, and almost everything before yourself. The position you have taken in this world is

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WiSW Ep 24 – Anna – The Scientist

Women in STEM Wednesday is an IGTV show that aims to normalize the ideas of females in male dominated fields. We want to make awareness, so more students can see people who are like them in STEM. We do this with one because of our vision. This IGTV series aims to showcase the hardships, tips, and

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3 Problems In Bilingual Education That I Found Out When I Went To NYC For NABE

2 weeks ago, NABE (National Association of Bilingual Educators)  gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. I was a featured speaker along with people like the United States Secretary of Education, Michael Cardona,  and Commissioner Betty A. Rosa, Commissioner of Education & President of the University of the State of New York, along other thought leaders in dual language education.  

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We believe that high quality tutoring should be accessible to all students regardless of their socioeconomic status, background, or native language. 

Copyright © 2024 Papaya Tutor

We believe that high quality tutoring should be accessible to all students regardless of their socioeconomic status, background, or native language. 

Copyright © 2024 Papaya Tutor

We believe that high quality tutoring should be accessible to all students regardless of their socioeconomic status, background, or native language. 

Copyright © 2024 Papaya Tutor